Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700


Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700

Radnor 484-840-4500

Free 30 Day Trial

AFC Fitness Weight Loss Program Is Top in Philadelphia Region

It’s more than just losing weight. AFC’s weight loss programs combine nutrition, fitness and motivational expertise to help people transform their lives.

For 26 years, AFC Fitness has been the leading wellness and fitness center for women and men looking to lose weight and create lifelong healthy habits. With the support of our registered dietitians, personal trainers and motivating professionals, our clients can live a healthy lifestyle that is maintainable.

Whether you’re looking for a complete weight loss intervention or a customized plan that you manage yourself, AFC can help you kickstart your health goals.

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With 4 locations , AFC Fitness has established itself as having the leading health and wellness destinations in the Greater Philadelphia region. We look forward to helping you achieve your best!

Are you ready to turn weight loss into a lasting healthy lifestyle? Fill out our appointment form and a representative will contact you to schedule a free initial appointment.

Fill out my online form.