The Fitness Journey – One Month Later
How Do I Do This Fitness Thing?
That is what I asked myself going into this. I started blogging here, and my fitness journey, just a little under a month ago. I thought this would be a good time to check in. So far, it has been hard. I feel like I have learned a lot, but still feel like there is so much more out there. Things that I haven’t even touched on yet (and I’ll be honest, are pretty far away), and things that I have looked into a bit, but haven’t really given a try. I’ve taken a few classes, done my personal training session and nutrition consultation, but I’m still not really into the whole fitness thing.
My biggest issue is really motivation. When I met with Nate, he asked me why I hadn’t started to work out previously. My number one answer was lack of motivation. I thought that this blog would help motivate me a little more, and it has to some extent. I would literally not have done any of the things that I did in this past month, so that is a huge step in the right direction. However, when I met with Jillian, I had said my goal was to work out twice a week….. that has not happened really.
So my motivation? I want to look better, I want to feel better. I hope that one day I’ll look in the mirror and see progress and be really proud of myself. These sound like things to motivate me, but at the same time, they’re not things that are dragging me out of bed to get to a class before work. So, in order to keep myself motivated, I’m changing some things in June.
Set Goals – And Make Them Happen
First, I am setting some new goals… actual, real goals… and sharing them with you. Hopefully, having them out here in the blogosphere, I will feel more accountable to them and make them happen. Also, I’ll reward myself with something if I manage to do them all.
June Goals:
- Working out twice a week. Even if it is not a class or gym workout – I need to make myself do a run, or something. I’ve got to get these workouts in!
- Working out on the gym floor, by myself, at least twice. This seems like it should be easy, but I’m nervous! I know that I got the basics from Nate, so now it is really just about bringing myself to do it.
- Classes, lots of classes! I am trying to get between 8-12 classes in this month, more on that later though.
Workout With A Buddy
So, in addition to setting these goals, I’ve found that working out with someone can be a huge motivator. So, that’s the next part of this. I am going to try to take classes with people that I know throughout the month. I already got a Lean Barre class in with Lexi Cuff this afternoon…. And am planning on getting one in with Josh Davis next week. These two happen to work with me here in Bala, which makes it pretty convenient, but I’ve already got another friend volunteering! I’ve found that working out with a buddy can actually make me feel more comfortable in the class setting. Plus, I’ve got someone else to hold me accountable, and actually make me go!
Use What Comes Naturally To Motivate You
Lastly, I’m making a bit of a competition out of my goals. So, I am a pretty competitive person – fantasy football, March Madness, I’m all about it. So, in an effort to help me out and really get me motivated, Josh decided that turning this into a competition might be just what I need. I won’t tell you what the winner gets, but I’ll say that it will be pretty embarrassing for the loser! The competition: For every class I take this month, Josh has to do 3 pull-ups, straight through at one time, after the month is over. So, if I can manage to get those 8-12 classes in this month, 24-36 pull ups for Josh! Hopefully the competitive person inside of me will come through.
So, after a month, I’m not quite where I want to be on this journey. I am, however, hopeful for June. Keep following along as I navigate through the fitness world that AFC has to offer, and if you have any suggestions or helpful tips, send them over to blog@afcfitness.com. And if you’re counting, I took one class – so that is three pull-ups for Josh so far.