Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700


Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700

Radnor 484-840-4500

Free 30 Day Trial

How to Set Up the AFC Fitness Mobile App

The new AFC Fitness mobile app can be used to check-in to the club, lookup class schedules, manage account information, schedule training, keep track of challenges and goals, and much more!

Follow these instructions to set up the App for the first time. App screenshots are included.

Step 1. Install App

  • Download and install the AFC Fitness App from the Apple or Android App stores. After installation is complete open the app to the screen shown below.
  • Select “Create Account.” Then fill in your matching AFC account info. Barcode is the number on your member key fob.

After completing this step you can use the app to check-in, look up classes, challenges and more. To use the app for member account management, purchases, appointments, etc, go on to next steps.




Step 2: Set up the app to manage account information, purchases, appointments and more

  • Go to “My Account”. Then choose “Register Now.” See the screen below.


Fill in your member information. If you do not have the membership agreement number click “Email my Agreement Number” – this will send your agreement number to the email address associated with your account.

Continue with Email address, create username and password & click register.

This will take you back to the login screen. Enter the username and password you just created. By clicking “remember me” you should not have to log in every time you click “My Account.”