Lose Weight By Doing These 4 Things Every Day
It’s the healthy choices you make each day that will get you further on your path to losing weight. Do these four things each day to help you reach your weight loss goals.
Sleep at least 7-8 hours each day
Studies show that men and women who do not sleep enough ate more calories than those who got enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep raises levels of ghrelin, which makes you hungry and makes you eat more.
On the contrary, people who get enough sleep have raised levels of leptin, the hunger-regulating hormone. So, turn off the TV, phone or tablet and head into bed early and get at least seven to eight hours of sleep to control your appetite.
Choose water as your main drink throughout the day
Don’t like plain water? Add some fruit for flavor. Or, drink sparkling water. The point is, whatever you need to do to make water your go-to drink, do it. Skip high sugar drinks like juice and sodas and make it zero calorie, nothing better in the universe, plain water! Living every day hydrated will increase your energy levels, keep you feeling fuller, and even make your skin and hair look better.
Add vegetables to every meal
Registered Dietitian and LDN at AFC Fitness, Jillian Foley, knows that eating more vegetables throughout the day is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. And don’t overlook breakfast. Try mixing in more vegetables in to low fat yogurt smoothies for a high fiber, high protein, low calorie breakfast . High fiber veggies keep you filled up and feeling fuller longer, which helps you eat fewer total calories for the day.
Variety of exercise
Pledge to moving your body every single day. And adding an assortment of exercises to your workout schedule is key to a successful fitness routine. There are so many interesting and fun ways to get a good workout at the gym. AFC Fitness offers over 100 classes per week including, cycling and spinning, Zumba, CrossFit, strength training classes, aerobics, aquatic classes, and many more fitness classes!
Four to five days per week should be workouts that include a mix of cardio and strength training. To stay restfully active on the other days, you can enjoy some some light yoga classes or the latest technology in treadmills and ellipticals. AFC fitness has something for everyone for every day of the week!