New and Returning Fitness Trends for 2017
Even though the fight to keep fit might have been held back by December’s holiday cookies and treats, as soon as January hits, you realize it’s time to hit the gym and work off the extra calories that have turned in to excess weight.
Fortunately for those who indulged a little too much over the holidays, it’s never been more hip to keep fit, and as more people discover the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle, fitness experts have been creating new ways to keep us exercising. So while 2016 was all about barre, cycling and cross training classes, this year brings back the best of last year and a whole new kind of workouts ready to help you burn baby burn!
Here’s how many of you will be getting fit this year…
Aerobics – The 80’s Are Back
Step aerobics took the nation in the 1980’s and now it’s time to pull on your leotard again – because aerobic style group fitness classes are surging again, and it’s not just women this time around. The benefits of attending regularly are improving cardio vascular health, losing weight, gaining core strength and agility, while firming up the buns! AFC has tons of aerobic and cardio classes.
Cross Train Workouts
2016 was the year we all joined our favorite styles of exercises together – such as cycling and HIIT (high-intensity interval training), and kickboxing and cardio. These cross training workouts are set to continue for 2017, but even a little more – by incorporating our minds as well as our bodies. You’ve all heard the benefits of mindfulness, and this year the mind trend is set to be even bigger. Think mindfulness and high intensity, Yoga and Zumab or “mind and body with kickboxing. This trend is about working out the mind just as much, and at the same time, as the body.
When was the last time you were crawling? Probably not since you were a mere babes. But according to reports, planking, which is like crawling, is still big for 2017. Not only does the movement help to give the body a good core-strength workout, it can also help alleviate back problems.
Of Course Wearable Fitness Tech
Wearable tech was huge fitness news in 2016, and this trend is only getting stronger. Expect the major players like FitBit, Apple and Garmin to get better and begin offering more health monitoring such as blood pressure and more.
To learn more about fitness trends sign up for a Free Trial at AFC Fitness and speak to one of our certified personal trainers.