Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700


Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700

Radnor 484-840-4500

Free 30 Day Trial

Dance, Fire, & Feet

Two smiling female fitness models working out in gym or studio, doing cardio exercise, dancing zumba

Put on your dance shoes! Basic Dance aerobic steps incorporating the grace and elegance of Ballet, sensual belly dancing, and fun folk songs. Adding the use of light handheld weights in a specially designed dance movement to purify your body.

NOTE: Classes offered in the clubs can change.This class may not be presently on the schedule or may be offered under a different name. Please check the schedule at each AFC Fitness location for current classes offered.