Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700


Bala Cynwyd 610-664-6464

Feasterville 215-355-2700

Radnor 484-840-4500

Free 30 Day Trial

High Intensity Water Workout

Class Detail

Oui, Oui! Our High Intensity Water Workout is a water workout with French Flair!!! This class is a cardiovascular full body workout. Fast paced and high energy, our alternating cardio blasts mixing basic cardio drills and dance movements make our High Intensity Water Workout a fun and effective way to stay in shape and burn those unwanted calories.



NOTE: Classes offered in the clubs can change.This class may not be presently on the schedule or may be offered under a different name. Please check the schedule at each AFC Fitness location for current classes offered.